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Sunday, May 22, 2011

24 week milestone

As silly as this may sound, I've been counting down the days to the 24 week mark. Preemies have a much higher likelihood of viability/survival outside the womb after 24 weeks, should and early delivery become necessary. "Micropreemies," as they are called, have their own sets of problems to deal with but I feel like now that I've reached this point I can breath a little sigh of relief knowing that even if something terrible happened to me or the pregnancy, at least Ash would have a decent chance at living on his own. I'm sure this is totally irrational, but normal. Breath with me "whew." 

I have a good number of posts that I'm working on and just haven't had time to finish and upload, so look for those in the next week or so. For now, I'll leave you with a few new belly pics in the slideshow on the other page. For whatever reason, we always take the pictures last ate night when I have no makeup or hair done, so please excuse my face and the horrible lighting.

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