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Thursday, February 24, 2011

A first

This post memorializes a couple of first time experiences in our lives:

1) In the not-so-significant realm, this is our first ever blog. We don't know much about blogging, nor do we follow many blogs (except you,, but we're excited about having a whole new means of communication at our fingertips so that we can keep you, our family and friends, up-to-date on the more significant "firsts" in our lives, namely #2 below.

2) In the very significant realm, we're pregnant! We are thrilled with the possibility of adding a new member to our family in the near future and are really hoping to use this blog to document all kinds of pregnancy-related events and even our thoughts and feelings as we walk through this journey. In addition to creating this blog to keep you in the loop of our lives, it's our plan to eventually print and bind all of our posts as a pregnancy journal. We don't know if this blog will continue after a baby arrives but we hope that in the next 7 months it will serve as a place for us to record some of the most important events in our lives. 

We're excited to share the many more of our "firsts" with you and hope you will keep us on your list to follow so you can share this experience with us. Of course, it make take us some time to start to generate posts and let the blog evolve a bit, so bear with us and stay tuned, friends! 

The Hollands

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