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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Looking Back at the First Trimester

My first trimester weight: 107 lbs

When I first started to show: not this trimester

Biggest change in my body: lots of trips to the ladies' room

Most significant change in my life: eating every few hours so my stomach stayed settled

What I did to stay healthy: prenatals of the gummy variety, no more piping hot baths

The hardest thing to get used to: having no control over what is happening in my body

Most memorable/emotional moment: seeing the heartbeat on our first sonogram

My favorite part about being a new pregnant mom: dreaming about the future

Reflections on the first trimester: Overall, I had a very, very easy trimester. With the exception of some cystic pain in the first couple months, I felt great and only experienced mild symptoms and no morning sickness whatsoever. Sometimes, I almost wished I had some additional symptoms just so I could make sure it was all really happening! I can only hope the pregnancy continues this smoothly. Emotionally, it was a bit of a roller coaster. There were days that were all smiling and staring at sonogram pictures, but also nights that were spent anxiously awake worrying about having a healthy baby and being able to provide for him or her. I am really looking forward to getting out of this trimester and being in a "safer" place for the pregnancy and getting to focus on the fun, tangible things like buying furniture, decorating the nursery, registering, finding infant care, etc.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

14 Week Appointment

March 14, 2011
Today we visited Dr. Benz for our third appointment. I'm 14 weeks completed and 2 days into the 15th week.

Our first two appointments centered around lab work and sonograms, so I didn't know what to expect at this routine check-up. Except for the 20 week and 36 week sonograms, which are medically necessary, and a few other tests, the rest of our appointments should go like like today's: 1) urine sample 2) weight and blood pressure test 3) listen to baby's heartbeat 4) visit with doctor

Little One's heartbeat was a strong 161 bpm. I held my breath at first because the nurse took awhile to find it with the doppler and we could only hear mine. I started to well up, but when she moved it over to my left side we heard the quick goosh goosh of the baby. Whew!

This is our second old wives' tale to predict a girl (heart beats over 140 = a girl, they say). Fortunately, we won't have to rely on superstition much longer because we scheduled our sex determination appointment! JR is consenting to let us do the elective 4D ultrasound so we can find out the sex at 16 weeks instead of waiting until our next routine sonogram at 20 weeks.

So, less than two weeks away, on Friday, March 25 at 3:00 p.m. we will find out if our Little One is a boy or girl and get to start using gender-appropriate pronouns instead of calling it "IT" all the time! Yay!

In other news, I ordered our crib today and taped off tenative placement of all the nursery furniture. :-)

First Panic Attack

February 5, 2011
I flipped out after reading a baby magazine (published by Babies ‘R’ Us) about all of the baby gear we’re going to “have to” buy and store. "The 5 types of strollers you and your baby need" it says! A new car seat for every stage? A jumper, a bouncer, a swing, an entertainment center.

“I don’t know anything about babies!” I wailed. “I didn’t even know there were three kinds of bottle nipples with different rates of flow for different ages,” the sobbing continued.

JR assured me that we would learn all the important things along the way and that we most certainly did not need 5 strollers.

Unexpected First Trimester things

Weird cravings: Krispy Kreme and Curly Fries

Weird cravings fulfilled: JR brought home biscuits and gravy from Central Market AND donut holes from Dales (without me asking)
Weird symptoms: Heightened sense of smell - I had to take out all the air fresheners in the house because they were making me feel sick). hyper-sensitive gag reflex - I gagged just thinking about certain foods in the first trimester and can still barely brush my teeth without lurching. Lower abdominal pain from a cyst that eventually cleared up.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More from our second appointment...

Just wanted to share some live-action video of our little Valentine!

Second Doctor's Appointment

Our second appointment with Dr. Benz was on Valentine's day and I was just over 10 weeks. Let me just say, that getting to see and hear Little One was the best Valentine's gift ever! (although a sweet little pearl necklace from JR was a close second) :-) I was desperate to put the ultrasound photo up on Facebook while everyone else was putting up photos of their V-day flower arrangements and gifts, but we still had some family left to tell so I kept my lips sealed until the following Sunday.

Before my ultrasound, I felt: so excited to see the baby again and make sure it was okay

The ultrasound revealed: an actual tiny, human-shaped baby!

My reaction when I first saw the baby: speechless

My reaction when I heard the heartbeat: amazed. The doctor turned on color so we could see where the blood was moving in and out of both the baby and me.

My parent's reaction: my mom got to be there for it and her excitement is definitely audible on the Iphone videos JR took!

Any surprises: No, there was only one in there! But I was so surprised to see that it had grown from a little blobby ameoba to a baby with a nose and arms and legs so quickly. I thought we would just see something peanut-shaped. I was also shocked to see how much it moved. I think I imagined that they were kind of stationary until they got bigger, but this Little One was twitching and doing flips. The doctor even "banged" on my belly with the scanner to get it to jump around some.

After the scan, I felt: shocked for awhile. Even now, I still am when I stop and look at the ultrasound photos pinned up on our fridge.

Pea in a Pod - The first trimester

During the first weeks, I felt: a roller coaster of emotions

My energy: zapped - I tried to get 9-10 hours of sleep each night so I could make it through the day

My skin: unchanged

My hair: desperate for highlights

My body: crampy

Any sickness: none, thankfully

My appetite has been: for junk food

My new favorite food: Eggo waffles

Food I can't touch: meat - no meat for the first trimester and for awhile, the mere thought of most savory foods provoked my gag reflex. One night the sight of a pack of chicken breasts in the fridge sent me heaving over the kitchen sink.
Staples of my pregnancy diet: carbs - lots of carbs

Hoping, Wishing, Dreaming - Dad

I am most looking forward to: watching baby grow up and be amazing

I am most nervos about: not hugging them enough

I am most excited about: first steps, first swing of a golf club, first cast of a fishing line

I am lease excited about: middle of the night poopy diaper changes

Important people who will help me and how: Our parents (we all need readily willing baby sitters), my friends with children so we can ask them embarassing questions, and friends without children to keep us sane

My shoulder to lean on will be: Other than Nina? I don't will depend on the situation

Hoping, Wishing, Dreaming - Mom

I am most looking forward to: holding baby, getting to see baby smile and laugh

I am most nervous about: all the things I don't know

I am most excited about: staying home with baby for a few months

I am least excited about: sleep deprivation

Important people who will help me and how: both of our mothers

My shoulder to lean on will be: JR

Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Doctor's Visit

Date: January 17, 2011 - 6 weeks and 3 days

Before my first appointment, I felt: worried. I went in for an early appointment because of some disconcerting symptoms. 

My doctor: Karen Benz, DO

I chose my doctor because: I panicked after experiencing some painful symptoms and having our first doctor's office ignore my calls for days and then instruct me to go to the ER because they couldn't call me back during their business hours. I called what seemed like every doctor in town but no one would see me on a Friday afternoon. Of course, from reading on the internet, I knew I was having an ectopic pregnancy that was potentially fatal. JR called the original doctor's office to complain and got an on-call doctor, Dr. Benz, who assured us that the symptoms I was having were normal and encouraged us not to rush to the ER, but to visit her own office on Monday to get checked out. Even though my experience with the first doctor was a disaster, it gave me the opportunity to meet Dr. Benz, so we are really thankful for that.

Procedure performed: urinalysis and sonogram

Baby's progress: a totally normal little blob, it had a little flickering heartbeat that we could see but couldn't hear yet. JR really teared up when he saw it on screen. The whole rest of the afternoon I would hear him sniffling and ask if he was okay, and he would reply that he was "just thinking about the baby."

After my appointment, I felt: elated, I couldn't stop smiling

Thing I need to keep in mind: most symptoms I experience are probably totally normal

Wonderful News

The first person I told about my pregnancy: JR, of course!

How I told my partner: I waited a day after I found out to tell him. I had a big surprise planned to tell him the news, but I was so tired and recovering from being sick so I just couldn't muster the energy to put my plan into action (maybe for the next bambino). I decided that since it was a couple of days after his birthday, I'd leave an anonymous belated birthday gift on the porch (the gift was a positive pregnancy test). When he came home from work, he acted confused about finding a gift outside the front door and didn't even take the time to read the card. When he tore into the bag and saw the positive test, his first words were, "Is this for real?"

My partner's reaction: He smiled real big and gave me a hug, but I think he was really caught off guard. I didn't get the idea that he was genuinely excited until he got to see the heartbeat on our first sonogram and finally got emotional.

My parent's reactions: Mom fell over on the floor and screamed and cried a lot. Dad was excited but had very few words for the evening, and followed up with a nice e-mail expressing his excitement and joy.

His parents reactions: JR told them in a roundabout way, so Jim caught on first and when the idea clicked with Kim she was ecstatic. She ran into the basement and brought back our first official baby gift: zebra print booties with red lace!

Creating New Life

I thought it was a good time to have a baby because: JR and I were at a point where we felt really settled into our relationship and our life and just felt "ready" to add something to the mix. We believe we can provide a stable environment for child rearing now more than we could have earlier on when we had lots of life changes going on (new marriage, new jobs, new house, etc). Although, obviously those can happen at any time, we hope we're now emotionally mature enough to deal with them better.

Challenges I expect with having a baby: Obvious ones like sleep deprivation and getting a settled into a new schedule. Less obvious ones like making sure that JR won't feel neglected or less important than the baby.

When I imagined being pregnant I felt: nervous

How I prepared for getting pregnant: starting charting my temperature and reading about conception, JR and I tried to eat healthy and not drink any caffeine or alcohol

How long it took to get pregnant: first try!

Imagining pregnancy and my life with a baby: I can't imagine how I'll have the energy to make it happen. We all know that I require LOTS of sleep so I'll have to see how that adjustment goes. I always imagined that I'd be staying home and keeping busy with our kids all day, so I can't imagine what it will be like to have to leave the baby in someone else's care for the day after just a few short months.

I'm Expecting!

I first thought I might be pregnant because: I hoped that my timing with my bbt charts was accurate

Day and place when I first suspected: Well, I wondered about it from the first try until I could take an EPT and find out

How I confirmed my pregnancy: Took a First Response test on December 28, 2010 (about 10 days after conception and 3 days before a missed period)

Once my pregnancy was confirmed, I felt: surprised, scared and everything in between. I was so excited, but I literally got hives because I was anxious!

I was overjoyed because: I couldn't believe that "it worked" so quickly!

Was nervous because: I am totally afraid of dying in childbirth!

The first thing I did was: took a bubble bath, hid the test and thought about how to tell JR

Dreaming of Baby

Our was planned or a surprise? A little bit of both! We were planning to have a baby, but thought we may have to wait a little while for it to happen... but that turned out to not be the case.

I first began thinking about having a baby: Not long after we got married. I knew Nina would be a great mom and I was excited to be a parent with her.

Why I wanted to have a baby: Gotta continue the family line some how
When I imagined my life with a baby, i felt: I imagined a fishing and golf partner
Physical traits I hope my baby will inherit from me: Good hair, boy parts, and a few freckles
Traits I hope the baby will inherit from its mother: Curls, good skin, and her athleticism

Personality characteristics I hope my baby will inherit: Smarts, passion, organization, and concern for our four legged friends.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dreaming of a Baby

My pregnancy was planned or a surprise? A little bit of both. Definitely planned, but much quicker than I anticipated.

I first began thinking about having a baby: After a couple years of marriage.

Why I wanted to have a baby: to make a family with JR and to follow God's mandate to "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it..." (Genesis 1:28)

Physical traits I hope my baby will inherit from me: curly hair

Traits i hope the baby will inherit from its father: dark hair, indian skin

Personality characteristics I hope my baby will inherit: JR's calm disposition!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Imagining Fatherhood

The number of children I thought I would have and why: I initially thought I would only have one, maybe two. As an only child, I enjoyed having my family to myself, but in retrospect, having an older/younger sibling would have been a lot of fun. After marrying Nina, talking about her experiences with an older brother, and getting to be a part of a family with multiple children, I'm looking forward to having several of my own to spoil.

I wanted this many boys and girls: I'll take whatever God gives me.

Qualities that I feel will make me a great father: Patience, forgiveness, and being an easy going person.

Fond memories of my own mother: Fishing and talking about Calvin and Hobbes... great times with Dad. With Jim, I remember taking drives when mom wasn't exactly pleased with something I'd done.

Qualities I look for in a mother to my child: Organization, understanding, and light heartedness.

Baby names I have always liked: None come to mind.

The age I imagined I would have my first child: 29 or 30

Who or what from my childhood best prepared me to be a father: Growing up with a strong mother definitely prepared me to be a father. Having to balance both roles, mom showed me what it's like to be firm and passionate parent, while also being fair and unfailing. To this day she's my biggest fan and I hope that I can impart that feeling on each of my kids.

Imagining Motherhood

The number of children I thought I would have and why: 3, it just sounded right (and there's always a tie breaker with an odd number!)

I wanted this many boys and girls: 2 boys and 1 girl

Qualities that I feel will make me a great mother: I don't know yet?! Hopefully my organization skills will help make things easier but I may have to ask JR to answer this for me.

Fond memories of my own mother: Always doing lots of fun, girly activities (cooking, lunch at the Zodiac, playing in her makeup).

Qualities I look for in a father to my child: JR is my opposite in many ways, so he is strong were I am weak and vice versa. Hopefully the combination will help make us well-rounded parents. Also, JR is super compassionate and tender hearted, so I know he'll be a good Daddy.

Baby names I have always liked (when I was younger - these are not necessarily the names we're considering!): Joshua, James, Addison (for a boy), Xavier, Lacy, Alexa, Vada, Chloe

The age I imagined I would have my first child: 24 - 25

Who or what from my childhood best prepared me to be a mother: watching the example of my mother, of course

Monday, March 14, 2011

Daddy's Family

Favorite memory with my siblings: I got to be mostly an "only child" because of our age differences.

Favorite memory with my cousins: In front of my paternal grandparents house, pretending an old log is a space ship singing "Great Space Coaster" or something like that.

Favorite memory with my grandparents: I remember the way my Dad's mom used to put us to sleep: laying on the bed, she would kiss our foreheads and then bounce the bed a whole bunch. With my mom's folks: going to the shooting range with my granddad and going to Crystal's Pizza with my grandmother.

A wonderful vacation we took as a family: We spent the millenial new year in New Zealand, hiking, sightseeing, and bungee jumping.

Family pets I had: First cat was Teddy, first dog was Sam, then we had Spike and Pebbles.

One tradition in my family: Having family and friends over to the house Christmas Eve for soup dinner and opening ONE present before Christmas day

Important holiday in my family: Thanksgiving, in all its craziness.

Mommy's Family

Favorite memory with my brother: We shared a room on a family trip to Disneyworld and one night when we couldn't fall asleep, Wynne made up a game where we pretended we were driving spaceships (our twin beds were our spaceships) and we had a whole adventure in outer space until we finally fell asleep.

Favorite memory with my grandparents: Mimi: taking me to my first butterfly exhibit in Houston, Waldo: napping in Wynne's twin bed with our cat asleep on his chest, MFTW: making it to my wedding, Big John: making pancakes in Midland

A wonderful vacation we took as a family: Lots to choose from! Some really fun ones were visiting all the countries at Epcot and learning to ski in Angelfire. Other ones I appreciate more as an adult, namely stopping at every national park we drove by to get stamps in our passport books. I loved Dad waking us up in the wee hours of the morning and loading us into the back of the suburban which he had made into a little bunk with mattresses and blankets (and on special occasions a TV!) to start our driving trips early. I'm dying to go back to Carlsbad. Nowadays, nothing beats a family trip to the beach at Watercolor.

Family pets I had: Lots of these too! My favorite were two cats Kit Kat (who let me put booties and bonnets on him and push him around in a stroller) and Starlight and our eternal puppy,17 year old, Zeke. In between there were two more cats, a bird, a hamster, a guinnea pig, a rabbit, a turtle and lots of fish.

One tradition in my family: The men in the family (Walker side) wake up early to start prepping the holiday turkey in their underwear.

Important holiday in my family: Thanksgiving and Christmas are always our big family gatherings.