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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dreaming of Baby

Our was planned or a surprise? A little bit of both! We were planning to have a baby, but thought we may have to wait a little while for it to happen... but that turned out to not be the case.

I first began thinking about having a baby: Not long after we got married. I knew Nina would be a great mom and I was excited to be a parent with her.

Why I wanted to have a baby: Gotta continue the family line some how
When I imagined my life with a baby, i felt: I imagined a fishing and golf partner
Physical traits I hope my baby will inherit from me: Good hair, boy parts, and a few freckles
Traits I hope the baby will inherit from its mother: Curls, good skin, and her athleticism

Personality characteristics I hope my baby will inherit: Smarts, passion, organization, and concern for our four legged friends.

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