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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Looking Back at the First Trimester

My first trimester weight: 107 lbs

When I first started to show: not this trimester

Biggest change in my body: lots of trips to the ladies' room

Most significant change in my life: eating every few hours so my stomach stayed settled

What I did to stay healthy: prenatals of the gummy variety, no more piping hot baths

The hardest thing to get used to: having no control over what is happening in my body

Most memorable/emotional moment: seeing the heartbeat on our first sonogram

My favorite part about being a new pregnant mom: dreaming about the future

Reflections on the first trimester: Overall, I had a very, very easy trimester. With the exception of some cystic pain in the first couple months, I felt great and only experienced mild symptoms and no morning sickness whatsoever. Sometimes, I almost wished I had some additional symptoms just so I could make sure it was all really happening! I can only hope the pregnancy continues this smoothly. Emotionally, it was a bit of a roller coaster. There were days that were all smiling and staring at sonogram pictures, but also nights that were spent anxiously awake worrying about having a healthy baby and being able to provide for him or her. I am really looking forward to getting out of this trimester and being in a "safer" place for the pregnancy and getting to focus on the fun, tangible things like buying furniture, decorating the nursery, registering, finding infant care, etc.

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