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Friday, May 6, 2011

Daddy's thoughts on Gender Determination

My closer friends and acquaintances who've recently had children have all had girls. My mother is one of five girls, my dad had three girls until I showed up, Nina's brother has two girls, my boss just had a baby girl, our neighbors JUST had a baby girl, and a couple in our small group JUST had a baby girl.
So, I was convinced we were having a girl. I talked to several people, they asked questions about how Nina was feeling and they all agreed that the signs pointed to: A GIRL. No problem. I'll play dress up, have tea, and learn to carry a gun when she turns 13.
When March 25 finally showed up, I woke up normally and took Toby on his morning constitutional. We often have great conversation on these walks, as he may be one of the better listeners I've ever met. Granted, he's usually sniffing a tree or bush, or darting after some hungry squirrel, but he's always willing to lend a floppy ear. As we walked, I told him, "It's going to be a girl, and the household playingfield will be even." I went to work, told everyone it's going to be a girl and I couldn't wait to buy her cute dresses and ribbons for her hair.
I was tempted to call Nina and say let's forget the sono, we know what it is... but I didn't. Ounce of hope, maybe?

Our family gathered at the doctors office at 3:00... we waited a few minutes and a happy young woman with her mom and friend emerged, "It's a Boy!"

I felt as though our odds had, for some reason, just gone down... why is this? As if her having a boy could in any way affect our child.... But the feelings/emotions I'd been having weren't rational either (how many people really talk to their dog on a morning walk trying to convince IT that all would be fine with another girl in the house).

As we entered the sono room, Joe introduced himself. A great guy with a reputation of having never missed the sex of a baby. 

Joe got Nina prepped and started up with the pictures, I called my mom with the expectation of giving her the news... As Joe worked, he showed us the spine, the umbilical cord (which is three chambered) and generally took his time with my emotions... finally, he asked if we were ready... we confirmed... and he said:

"Say hello to your little baby..... BOY!"

Screams throughout!

Who'd a thunk I could actually do this right?

Over all the screaming, Mom wasn't able to hear what was said, but I told her and she was just as excited. 

Exhaustion and joy hit me at once, yet I still had plenty of nervous energy to keep me going. I called family, friends, some people I barely knew... I'd actually done this part of parenting right. I imagine it's only going to go downhill from here...

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