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Friday, May 6, 2011

Second Trimester Progress

This trimester, I am hoping: to finally look pregnant

I am most looking forward to: gender determination

I am most nervous about: additional blood tests for disorders, etc.

I am least excited about: how busy I am this trimester

Something amazing I've learned so far: that the baby will eventually open its eyes in the womb

Changes in my body: I've finally got a barely rounded belly at 16 weeks. It has been disconcerting to see women who are due after me that look very pregnant, while I'm still fitting into my skinny jeans (although I'm having to use the rubber band trick to keep them on after lunch!) I've also had quite a bit of back pain, which is normal for me, but seems to be exacerbated by the pregnancy. I'm already begging JR to get me a Snoogle to help me sleep comfortably!

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