How big is baby?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, May 6, 2011

"You having a baby?"

April 7, 2011

Today was the first day that a stranger noticed I was pregnant - quite a milestone in my book!

I still barely look like a mommy-to-be, but some clothes certinaly accuntuate the baby bump.
I was wearing a black and white faux wrap dress from Target (which incidentally is my least favorite item of clothing, so I was not upset when I got red juice all over it after delivering a cinnamon snow cone to JR at work this afternoon) with a wide black belt at my waist. I think the belt helps the bump portrude, because when I was having a long-overdue pedicure with mom, one of the nail techs who has worked there for as long as I can remember, passed me in the hallway and did a literal double-take. "You having baby?" she asked. I was so proud to say "Yes, I am!"

I'm sure there will be lots of these questions in the future months and I'll probably get tired of answering the obvious, but for today, it was nice to be noticed!

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