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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

14 Week Appointment

March 14, 2011
Today we visited Dr. Benz for our third appointment. I'm 14 weeks completed and 2 days into the 15th week.

Our first two appointments centered around lab work and sonograms, so I didn't know what to expect at this routine check-up. Except for the 20 week and 36 week sonograms, which are medically necessary, and a few other tests, the rest of our appointments should go like like today's: 1) urine sample 2) weight and blood pressure test 3) listen to baby's heartbeat 4) visit with doctor

Little One's heartbeat was a strong 161 bpm. I held my breath at first because the nurse took awhile to find it with the doppler and we could only hear mine. I started to well up, but when she moved it over to my left side we heard the quick goosh goosh of the baby. Whew!

This is our second old wives' tale to predict a girl (heart beats over 140 = a girl, they say). Fortunately, we won't have to rely on superstition much longer because we scheduled our sex determination appointment! JR is consenting to let us do the elective 4D ultrasound so we can find out the sex at 16 weeks instead of waiting until our next routine sonogram at 20 weeks.

So, less than two weeks away, on Friday, March 25 at 3:00 p.m. we will find out if our Little One is a boy or girl and get to start using gender-appropriate pronouns instead of calling it "IT" all the time! Yay!

In other news, I ordered our crib today and taped off tenative placement of all the nursery furniture. :-)

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