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Monday, March 14, 2011

Mommy's Family

Favorite memory with my brother: We shared a room on a family trip to Disneyworld and one night when we couldn't fall asleep, Wynne made up a game where we pretended we were driving spaceships (our twin beds were our spaceships) and we had a whole adventure in outer space until we finally fell asleep.

Favorite memory with my grandparents: Mimi: taking me to my first butterfly exhibit in Houston, Waldo: napping in Wynne's twin bed with our cat asleep on his chest, MFTW: making it to my wedding, Big John: making pancakes in Midland

A wonderful vacation we took as a family: Lots to choose from! Some really fun ones were visiting all the countries at Epcot and learning to ski in Angelfire. Other ones I appreciate more as an adult, namely stopping at every national park we drove by to get stamps in our passport books. I loved Dad waking us up in the wee hours of the morning and loading us into the back of the suburban which he had made into a little bunk with mattresses and blankets (and on special occasions a TV!) to start our driving trips early. I'm dying to go back to Carlsbad. Nowadays, nothing beats a family trip to the beach at Watercolor.

Family pets I had: Lots of these too! My favorite were two cats Kit Kat (who let me put booties and bonnets on him and push him around in a stroller) and Starlight and our eternal puppy,17 year old, Zeke. In between there were two more cats, a bird, a hamster, a guinnea pig, a rabbit, a turtle and lots of fish.

One tradition in my family: The men in the family (Walker side) wake up early to start prepping the holiday turkey in their underwear.

Important holiday in my family: Thanksgiving and Christmas are always our big family gatherings.

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