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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Second Doctor's Appointment

Our second appointment with Dr. Benz was on Valentine's day and I was just over 10 weeks. Let me just say, that getting to see and hear Little One was the best Valentine's gift ever! (although a sweet little pearl necklace from JR was a close second) :-) I was desperate to put the ultrasound photo up on Facebook while everyone else was putting up photos of their V-day flower arrangements and gifts, but we still had some family left to tell so I kept my lips sealed until the following Sunday.

Before my ultrasound, I felt: so excited to see the baby again and make sure it was okay

The ultrasound revealed: an actual tiny, human-shaped baby!

My reaction when I first saw the baby: speechless

My reaction when I heard the heartbeat: amazed. The doctor turned on color so we could see where the blood was moving in and out of both the baby and me.

My parent's reaction: my mom got to be there for it and her excitement is definitely audible on the Iphone videos JR took!

Any surprises: No, there was only one in there! But I was so surprised to see that it had grown from a little blobby ameoba to a baby with a nose and arms and legs so quickly. I thought we would just see something peanut-shaped. I was also shocked to see how much it moved. I think I imagined that they were kind of stationary until they got bigger, but this Little One was twitching and doing flips. The doctor even "banged" on my belly with the scanner to get it to jump around some.

After the scan, I felt: shocked for awhile. Even now, I still am when I stop and look at the ultrasound photos pinned up on our fridge.

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